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Versus Blogs SaaS SEO Strategy

  • Post author:
  • Post published:December 6, 2023
  • Post category:SaaS SEO
  • Post last modified:December 10, 2023

There are many ways to promote your SaaS product. Various marketing channels are available to promote your SaaS business. You may go for outbound SaaS marketing or inbound SaaS marketing. All ways will lead you to success if you implement your marketing strategy properly.

In your SaaS marketing plan, if you plan to implement a SaaS SEO Strategy and you don’t have any SaaS SEO Consultant in your team, you must look at my SaaS SEO Checklist, which will give you an overall insight into what needs to be included in your SaaS SEO marketing game plan.

Have you done your competitors’ research? I believe you must have done it! After all, you are planning to win a war and without having proper knowledge of whom will you compete with how will you win? In case you haven’t done the competitors’ research or you want to dive deep into a SaaS SEO Strategy where you can leverage your competitors’ brand keywords then have a look at my blog on SaaS Competitors Commercial Keyword Hijacking.

If you have already done your competitors’ research or you read my blog on Competitors Keyword Hijacking which is linked in the above paragraph, then now you have good data about how strong or weak your SaaS Competitors are. You now have the traffic data, brand keyword search volume, and keywords they are ranking for. This data will help you a lot in your overall SEO marketing plan.

How to leverage competitors’ brand name for implementing Versus Blogs SaaS SEO Strategy

Now let’s discuss how you can leverage your competitors’ brand names/keywords for promoting your brand/product.

When a SaaS product becomes popular people search for that brand name to visit that website, and check features, pricing and there will be some who will be searching about other alternatives for any particular SaaS brand, and also they compare one SaaS brand with another. People compare one SaaS brand with another and we all search this way – {One SaaS Brand} vs {Another SaaS Brand}

Screenshot of Semrush vs Ahrefs Google Search Results.
Screenshot of “Semrush vs Ahrefs” Google Search Results

In the above screenshot, you can see when I searched for “Semrush vs Ahrefs” many blogs are popping up at the top. What’s interesting in that search results screenshot is you can see Ahrefs has already implemented the Versus Blog SEO Strategy which I’m explaining to you on this blog. Check the 3rd ranking search result and it is of Ahrefs. They have written a blog on Ahrefs vs Semrush vs Moz. Semrush and Moz are its top competitors and they know very well about it that’s why they didn’t miss to implement this strategy. And, they won this war by placing their blog at the top.

I’m surprised, that Semrush hasn’t implemented this strategy. Or do they have any big plans? Yesssss! Look at the below screenshot. Backlinko is ranking at the 2nd position, just above where Ahrefs’ blog is ranking! Backlinko is now owned by Semrush which they acquired in 2022.

Another screenshot of same search result for "Semrush vs Ahrefs" where the top 3 results are from Simplilearn, Backlinko and Ahrefs.
Another screenshot of the same search result for “Semrush vs Ahrefs” where the top 3 results are from Simplilearn, Backlinko and Ahrefs.

This is an interesting war, isn’t it? This is how you can try to fight with your competitors and win the game when people are trying to compare your brand with another or your competitors brand with other competitors.

Some Topic Ideas for Writing SaaS Versus Blogs

1. {competitor_brand_name} Vs. {2nd_competitor_brand_name} Vs. {3rd_competitor_brand_name}

2. {competitor_brand_name} Vs. {2nd_competitor_brand_name} Vs. {your_brand_name}

3. {competitor_brand_name} Vs. {your_brand_name}

4. {your_brand_name} Vs Other {keyword}

Let me know if you have any other ideas on writing such Versus blogs

So, that’s all from this Versus Blogs Strategy for SaaS companies which you can leverage to promote your product/brand. And remember to implement this strategy with proper in-depth content. Without proper content, this strategy is of no use.